road trippin' it

ready to road trip by bekka palmer

My mom and I drove her old (my new) car from Denver to Palo Alto a few weekends ago. Our first stop out of Denver? Breakfast of course. Then we realized we had zero music so we found this nice hippy-smelling used CD shop in Silverthorne and grabbed some tunes.

colorado and utah scenery

I snapped a few shots from inside the car right outside of Grand Junction, Colorado and at the Colorado / Utah border. I have always loved that the sign says “Colorful Colorado.” The top photo is in colorful Colorado and the bottom one is at some salt flats in Utah. It was truly a beautiful drive. I didn’t get any Nevada photos, wish I had because there are crazy big valleys there with huge long straights of road. It was hot as heck, but we made it successfully in just two days.

You can see a few more on flickr.

// all photos by Bekka Palmer for Minted Condition