taylored occasions

The lovely ladies of Taylored Occasions, Aubyn Gominiak and Maryann Taylor, have agreed to do a little Q & A about running an event planning business. This is the first in a new series call 99% perspiration about the value of hard work for your small business or freelance career. I’ll also be sharing some photographs from a few of their recent events.

What do you offer that brides can’t do themselves, or that brides don’t know how to do themselves?

Many brides have good taste and a good idea of how they want their wedding to be. We know how to execute those ideas to the last detail. We know which vendors to use. We know how to manage the budgets: where to spend money and where we can cut corners if need be. We know how to time-manage the entire project. We have that experience and we put it to great use.

peacock themed wedding
// I love the peacock illustration with the table numbers. photo credits nicole angelo photography from patty & oscar’s wedding

What is the hardest part of running a business? Is it getting clients or following through with grand ideas?

The hardest part is actually running the business. We opened our firm not because we enjoyed marketing and advertising, but because we love weddings and events and making those “grand ideas” reality. We both love to entertain. A lot of the time spent on accounting, working on the website, advertising, submitting weddings for publication, and staying current with our referral sources—well, we would much rather spend doing what we love: meeting with our brides and designing an event.

black and white wedding, bride with flower girls and ring bearer
// photo credits la vida creations from kelly & joel’s wedding

What do you do with “bridezillas?” Have you ever fired a client?

We totally understand that weddings are stressful and full of anxiety. We realize brides are very excited and they want things to be perfect. We like to think we have a lot of understanding and patience, so for us the bar before a bride transforms into a “bridezilla” is set very high. That being said, once that line is crossed, we do not tolerate “bridezillas”. During our career, we’ve let three brides go after we started working with them. Our business is relationship based and when we meet a couple for the first time we are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing us. Obvious red flags are irrational ideas, unrealistic expectations, and caustic or abusive personalities. Unfortunately, sometimes these things don’t present themselves until after we begin work together.  

wedding flowers and candy table
// candy tables are popular right now, and for a good reason! photo credits la vida creations from kelly & joel’s wedding

What’s the most rewarding part of being an event planner or what are your favorite moments in the whole process from first meeting a couple to sending them off from their reception?

The most rewarding part of the job is being a part of that person’s big day. Our brides and grooms always remain in close contact with us and we are forever locked into their history. We take that very seriously and it spurs us on to work even harder and make things all the more memorable for them as a couple.

We have so many favorite moments. In the design meetings, seeing the huge smile come across the bride’s face when the brainstorming between the client, the vendors, and us just clicks and we make those “grand ideas” a doable reality.

Maryann loves being with the bride. She excels at calming her nerves, doting on her, and just being Maryann– a fantastic source of courage and understanding who knows just what to say to the brides.

I love watching the groom’s face when he sees his bride for the first time. The “first look” is something so full of emotion and no two grooms ever react the same way. It makes my heart skip a beat at each wedding.

Of course, the icing on the cake is to see the completed reception site. Linens on the table, flowers in place, lighting perfect, candles lit, and the music starting just as the guests walk in and stand in awe. It’s then we just know it’s going to be a fantastic party.

Thanks again Aubyn & Maryann!